Professor Dr. Zhao Xiande is Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at China-Europe International Business School. He is also special appointed as “One Thousand Talent Professor” under China’s Global Search of One Thousand Talent Theme and Director of Institute for Supply Chain Integration and Service Innovation of South China University of Technology.
Professor Zhao mainly applies empirical methodologies to investigate problems, issues and challenges of managing supply chain and operations in China. He has conducted research in the areas of Supply Chain Management, Quality Management, Service Operations Management, Service Innovation and Design and High Performance Manufacturing. He has published over sixty articles in refereed journals including Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Consumer Research, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, and International Journal of Production Research. He has conducted a number of research projects on service innovation and design, supply chain integration, supply chain quality management, innovation and supply chain learning funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Hong Kong Research Grant Council.
Professor Zhao is currently the Vice President of Asia Pacific Institute of Decision Science. He also served as the President of Academy of Supply Chain and Operations Management (ASCOM), the President of International Association of Information and Management Sciences (IMS) and the President of Asia Pacific Institute of Decision Science. He is an Associate Editors for Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences Journal and Asia Co-editor of journal of Supply Chain Management.
The Internet is revolutionizing many industries. Many Chinese firms are transforming their businesses through the internet and related information and communication technologies (ICT). In this talk, the speaker will present the challenges facing Chinese manufacturers and describe alternative paths for transforming their businesses. The speaker will also demonstrate how to successfully transform businesses through several cases of business model innovations enabled by network platforms. He will also discuss research opportunities for supply chain and service innovations in the network environment.

Zhao Xian De
Speaker Categories :
Professor of Operations & Supply Chain Management at CEIBS