Dr. Tetsunari Iida is the Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP), a non-profit and independent research institute based in Tokyo, Japan, focusing on sustainable energy policies. He is a member of Nuclear Accident Protection Committee and Total Energy Research Committee of Japanese government.
Known in Japan as “Mr. Energy Shift”, in the last five years, he has been one of the top opinion leaders in Japan promoting a “new generation of energy policies” with a special focus on renewable energy. Besides the work as his non-profit and independent position, he is appointed as the Governmental committee member for “Energy Policy” and “Renewable Energy Policy” both for Minister of Economy, Industry and Trade as well as member for National Environmental Council for the Minister of Environment.
In September 2011, Mr. Iida launched the Japan Renewable Energy Foundation which brings together some 100 experts from around the world to analyse obstacles to implementing renewable energy, and offer policy recommendations to the new Japanese government.
His background includes work in the Japanese nuclear industry as a researcher/engineer, and also as a policy coordinator both in electricity supply sector and the nuclear bureaucracy.
His recent books include, Energy Democracy at Northern Europe, Beyond Nuclear Village: Post Fukushima Energy Policy.

Tetsunari Iida
Speaker Categories :
Sustainable Energy
Society & Environment
Mr. Energy Shift