A leader today needs both the ability to formulate strategy and the skills to execute it. The current global drive toward imbuing implementation as an organizational competency stems from the right strategy and the ability to implement it as a worldwide business differentiator with tremendous payoff.
Robin Speculand is a global pioneer and expert in strategy implementation. He is the creator of the Implementation Hub, and author of three books on implementation (two are international best sellers) including his fourth book, Excellence in Execution – HOW to Implement Strategy.
Robin is one of the most prolific writers and thinkers on implementing strategy. An international bestselling author, his books include Bricks to Bridges – Make Your Strategy Come Alive, which set the benchmark for new thinking in his field and Beyond Strategy – The Leader’s Role in Successful Implementation, John Wiley & Sons. His pioneering work has been featured in strategy journals, international print and electronic media including the BBC UK & Global, CNBC, Financial Times, Sunday Telegraph and the Singapore Straits Times. He is a sought-after speaker at strategy and international business forums.
Robin is driven to transform the strategy implementation approach globally by inspiring leaders to adopt a different approach. His work begins when his clients are crafting their strategy and are starting to think about implementing it. He guides them through the implementation journey and provides them with the knowledge, tools and templates to succeed where so many fail. These include Bridges’ Implementation Compass™—a proprietary framework for successful implementation—as well as access to the Implementation Hub —the first portal in the world dedicated to strategy implementation with its 500+ resources, and IMPACT, a toolkit with a structured approach for implementing actions in 90 days.
Robin is an educator for Duke CE and adjunct faculty at the Office of Executive and Professional Education in Singapore Management University. Outside of work, he’s a die-hard ironman athlete.

Robin Speculand
Speaker Categories :
Leadership & Motivation
Global Pioneer & Expert in Strategy Implementation
Creator of the Implementation Hub – first portal in the world that focus on implementation