Now firmly established as one of the country's top professional speakers on sales motivation, Philip Hesketh both commands the attention of an audience and captures its imagination. He has a potent mix of thought-provoking, well-researched, persuasive techniques and his own highly entertaining, unique brand of humour.
The result Audiences are enthralled as well as informed from first minute to last. Smiling throughout and often laughing out loud. But more importantly, they leave the event inspired and better informed on how buying, selling, persuading and influencing actually work. His talks are always tailored to a client's particular organisation or industry.
His audiences include accountants, lawyers, direct sales people, bankers, engineers and CEOs to name just a few. One delegate said recently, It didn't seem to go more than ten minutes without feeling the need to either laugh out loud or write something down.
Philip is a Psychology graduate from Newcastle University and a sales graduate from Procter & Gamble.
Having spent his entire working life studying and practicing persuasion and influence, Philip is now speaker on The Psychology of Persuasion. Although the format, subject and content may change, the outcome is always the same. An inspired and better informed team of people who understand how influence, persuasion, and negotiation work. Not only from their point of view, but more importantly from that of their colleagues and clients.
Clients are both large and small, ranging from well-known multinational companies to more modest, locally-based concerns. The one thing they all have in common is that they understand that knowing how to persuade and influence a client or colleague is a key part of their role in today's working environment.

Philip Hesketh
Speaker Categories :
Humorous, inspiring sales motivational speaker