Paul McKenna is an international best-selling author whose books have sold more than seven million copies and been translated into 32 languages. He has also hosted self-improvement television shows and presents seminars in hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, weight loss, motivation and the Zen meditation Big Mind.
Mckenna is the No 1 hypnotherapist in the world, and is best known for helping people treat the most difficult problems. Recognised by The Times of London as one of "the world’s most important modern self-help gurus", McKenna is the UK’s most successful non-fiction author. I Can Make You Thin is the best-selling self-help book in UK history. His other successful titles include Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight, I Can Mend Your Broken Heart, I Can Make You Rich, and I Can Make You Happy, which reached number one.
In his drive to help those suffering from PTSD, severe trauma, extreme pain and high levels of emotional distress, McKenna has been involved in the research and development of the psycho-sensory therapies targeting the Amygdala region of the brain (Amygdala Depotentiation Therapy) with Dr. Ronald Ruden and Dr. Stephen Ruden, presenting seminars to health care professionals in the UK and USA.
In 2014 McKenna started a Hulu show "McKENNA" where he interviews some of the most interesting people in the world such as Ryan Seacrest, Simon Cowell, Harvey Weinstein, Rachael Ray, Sir Ken Robinson, Paul Oakenfold, Randy Jackson, Anthony Robbins, Eli Roth, and Roger Daltrey.
McKenna released Thin, Confidence, Quit Smoking and Sleep in 2010, with Thin reaching number two in the US book charts, only to be beaten by Barack Obama’s autobiography. He uses scientific psychological procedures to make dramatic and captivating changes in people lives, and has appeared on national TV shows including The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Rachael Ray, Anderson Live, among others.
In the 1990s, McKenna presented a number of TV programmes including The Hypnotic World of Paul McKenna (1993–97), Paul McKenna's Paranormal World (1997) and Hyp the Streets (1999). The Discovery Channel signed a £23 million deal with McKenna (2008) to make a series of self-help programmes.

Paul McKenna
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Renowned hypnotist and self help expert