Nicholas Webb is one of the country’s top business thought leaders. As a Senior Partner at Lassen Scientific, Inc., Nicholas works with Fortune 500 companies throughout the world to help them lead their industries in innovation and strategy. Unlike many consultants, Nicholas is not a theorist. Nicholas Webb has been awarded over 40 patents by The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for breakthrough technologies including one of the world’s smallest medical implants to a wide range of industrial, consumer and wearable technologies. Nicholas Webb is known by many as the “Innovation Evangelist.”
Nicholas' keynotes explore the role of disruptive innovation in various different areas of business: talent management, the future of technology and customer experience.
Healthcare, for example, is the subject of massive disruptive innovation. Pharmaceuticals, medical devices, clinical delivery models and literally everything across the entire healthcare ecosystem is rapidly being destroyed. Clinical visits are being replaced by low-cost and convenient apps that leverage game mechanics and socialisation.
Nicholas also relates disruptive innovation to how to attract and keep almighty millennial talent. Most executives are relying on millennial stakeholders to help them stay on track with emerging technologies. Unfortunately, the new leader must understand the trajectory of change as it relates to technology, social communities, connection architecture and disruptive innovation. Leaders cannot lead what they do not understand. Nicholas explains how to attract millennial talent and how to create an innovation culture that leads into the future.
There are many complex variables about the future of technology. But there are several known hard trends that we have aggregated to help organisations see how technology will drive their future. Nicholas talks about the effect of digital ubiquity, 3-D printing, drones, nanotechnology and other enabling factors such as crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, open innovation and the power of hyper influential social networks that leverage game mechanics and socialisation.
In Nicholas’s upcoming book, Node Code he explains how old fashioned customer segmentation and customer service programs are being replaced by disruptive innovators that are leveraging game mechanics, hyper connectivity and socialisation to destroy the competition.

Nicholas Webb
Speaker Categories :
Innovation & Creativity
One of the World's top speakers on innovation, the future, healthcare and customer experience