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Ranked as the most 8th most influential person in Digital Health, and 10th most influential person in Wearable Technology. As someone not afraid to 'think the unthinkable', Maneesh Juneja has in 2014 delivered a talk in the UK & USA, entitled, "Healthcare in the future: Will advancing technology make doctors unemployed?". This triggered a debate on both sides of the Atlantic over Twitter. His bold thinking led him to the stage of TEDx StPeterPort in 2014, where he talked about how Digital Health technologies could be used to make Guernsey the best place to live on Earth.


Based upon his extensive research into global trends, he has shared his provocative ideas on the potential of personal health data marketplaces at a recent event hosted by NESTA in London.


In 2013, he gave a talk at TEDx O’Porto on his radical vision of 7 billion Citizen Scientists, and also attended “FutureMed” at Singularity University, in Silicon Valley.


In 2012, he left the security of his career at GlaxoSmithKline, to set up his own consultancy, MJ Analytics. In the same year, Maneesh also founded the Health 2.0 London Chapter, which has since become the UK’s largest grassroots health tech community.


In a career spanning nearly 20 years, Maneesh has worked with data to improve decision-making across a number of industries. From supporting the Whitehall study at University College London, managing the Tesco database at DunnHumby, and most recently, working with the world’s largest U.S. health insurance claims & European EHR databases at GSK R&D.


Even today, in addition to public speaking & consulting in Digital Health, he continues to work hands-on with 'real world' patient data for international clients. He has worked hard to build links with innovators around the world, particularly with Silicon Valley. He's inspired by the innovation culture of Silicon Valley, and unlike many of his friends who have relocated there, he has decided to stay in London and do his best to bring elements of Silicon Valley's culture to the UK.

Maneesh Juneja

Speaker Categories :

  • Technology

  • Innovation

  • Society

  • Digital Health Futurist

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