Lucian Tarnowski is Founder and CEO of, the intelligent knowledge sharing platform that enables collaborative learning by creating engaging online spaces for professional communities, with the view that communities help break down the knowledge silos across organisations.
Tarnowski has been honoured as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. He has been an active attendee of Davos and other World Economic Forum meetings for many years and has served on the Steering Board for the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Talent Mobility and has been Topic Champion for Education, Employment and Skills.
He continues to research and experiment around the social science behind scalable learning and communities and believes communities provide people both meaning and context in an increasingly complex world. He is on a mission to help every professional community achieve their collective potential.
Tarnowski is passionate about using technology and communities to disrupt the way people learn. In his spare time, he runs Take Heart India, a 53-year-old no overheads charity started by his father that provides blind and handicapped people in rural India with the vocational employment skills required to get lifelong employment.

Lucian Tarnowski
Speaker Categories :
Business & Management
Future & Technology
Innovation & Creativity
Honoured as Europe's youngest Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum