Leah McGrath Goodman is a best-selling author, historian and award-winning investigative journalist whose controversial book, “The Asylum: The Renegades Who Hijacked The World’s Oil Market,” exposed the decades-long pattern of complicity and corruption between Wall Street and Washington that permanently destabilised the global energy marketplace.
Nominated for the 2011 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Book of the Year Award, her debut book has been called “a riveting tale of greed gone mad,” by Bloomberg BusinessWeek and “twice as crazy and outlandish as any plot that Hollywood could concoct,” by Fortune magazine.
A former senior writer and editor for Dow Jones Newswires, Barron’s and The Wall Street Journal, Leah counts energy traders and the founders of the modern-day oil market as some of her best sources. Featured on CNBC’s Fast Money, Worldwide Exchange and Power Lunch, as well as on Fox Business News’s Bulls and Bears and Stossel Show, Leah is sought after for her fearlessness when it comes to tackling complex topics the mainstream press would rather avoid. She has been interviewed and covered by The Spectator, Reuters, PBS, Forbes, National Public Radio, White House Chronicle, The Global Journal, Corriere della Serra and The Wall Street Journal. She is a popular guest on Russia TV’s Keiser Report and regularly speaks in the U.S., U.K. and Europe.
In 2011, Leah completed a fellowship at the Center for Environmental Journalism at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She frequently contributes to magazines, newspapers and research journals and consults with members of Congress and their aides on the future of financial regulation and energy policy.

Leah McGrath Goodman
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Best-selling author, historian and award-winning investigative journalist