John Bruton
Former Prime Minister of Ireland, EU Ambassador to the US
James Rubin
Renowned foreign affairs journalist & former diplomat
Juan Verde
Advisor and consultant to governments
Heidi Crebo-Rediker
Former Chief Economist at the US State Department
Heizo Takenaka
Japan's Minister for Economic & Fiscal Policy
The revolution in technology over the last twenty years has made the world a far less stable place, with events and information travelling at a speed unheard of in the last century. This has presented enormous political challenges around the globe with societies more volatile and potentially dangerous than at any time since the Cold War. Our political leaders can no longer promote isolationists policies and need to adapt to many different dimensions from a changing environment to radical extremism. Members of society can no longer opt out of the political debate: listening to former and current politicians who have operated on the global stage is a good way to understand some of the debates and contribute to them